Tom really enjoyed participating in the UCD Biosystems Careers Panel for “Life after UCD”. Apart from discussing sustainability and environmental career paths, Tom launched our ‘Rowan Graduate Development Programme’.
Rowan Graduate Development Programme is a programme to link UCD Biosystems masters students with our clients and provide a career path to consultancy with Rowan. The attendees were UCD masters students in Environmental Technology, Sustainable Energy & Green Technologies and Food Technology. The panel was facilitated by Professor Enda Cummins (UCD School of Biosystems and Food Engineering) and chaired by Nicola Fortune (UCD Career & Skills Consultant).
Tom particularly enjoyed listening to the stories of the other panelists Mert Satir (Product Marketing Manager at Siemens), Renxi Kang (R&D Material and Recipe Management Specialist at Nestlé), and Bernardo Salomon (Product Sustainability Associate at CS Carbon), as well as probing questions from the students.