Our specialist team of environmental scientists, ecologists and engineers are experienced in assessing developments in accordance with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines. We provide guidance and advice from individual technical sections through to complete management of the EIA/EIAR/SEA and the associated planning process.

Environmental Planning Services:

  • Site Assessment
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs)
  • Appropriate Assessments (AA) & Natura Impact Statements (NIS)
  • Environmental Impact Assessment Reports (EIARs)
  • Environmental Planning Reports
  • Planning Application Management including SID
  • Construction & Operational Environmental Management

Rowan Team Portfolio:

  • Renewable Energy Projects
  • Petroleum & Forecourt Facilities
  • EPA Licensed Industries
  • Food & Drinks Industry
  • Quarries & Waste Facilities
  • Commercial & Residential Oil Spillages

Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR)

An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) systematically evaluates the impact of a development on its surrounding environment and identifies appropriate mitigation measures to minimise this impact. The legislation relating to EIA is based upon Irish Planning and Development Acts and the Planning and Development Regulations. The primary purpose of an EIA report is to assess the environmental implications of a proposed development project, including impacts on air, water, land, biodiversity, and human health. The assessment considers the potential impacts of the project, as well as any measures that can be taken to mitigate these effects. An effective EIA report can identify potential impacts of a project, alerting decisionmakers to take actions to reduce or avoid these effects. Such actions could include modifying the project’s design and/or implementing mitigation strategies.

Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)

Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA) fully integrate environmental considerations into the preparation of development plans and programmes prior to their final adoption. The objectives of SEA are to promote sustainable development and provide a high level of protection for the environment. SEAs are required for the implementation of development plans, management plans, implementation of new regulatory measures at local and national level as required under S.I. No. 436 of 2004 (Planning and Development (Strategic Environmental Assessment) Regulations 2004, as amended by S.I. No. 201 of 2011 (Planning and Development (Strategic Environmental Assessment) (Amendment) Regulations 2011).

Rowan conduct the SEA process, including the SEA Report and SEA statement in accordance with EPA and DHPLG guidance. Rowan can also conduct the stakeholder engagement in accordance with the Circular PSSP6/2011 issued by the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government and the Public participation Directive.

Stakeholder Engagement

Rowan can also conduct stakeholder engagement and public consultation. The impact assessment reports (SEA/EIA/NIS) play a vital role in building public trust and ensuring transparency in the review process and fulfils the requirement for community engagement in the development of a project.

Environmental Planning Reports

Rowan can provide Planning Environmental Reports to accompany planning applications of various nature and scale that are below the EIA thresholds. These reports provide the information required for local authorities to make informed planning decisions and can include baseline environmental information, environmental monitoring, an appraisal of potential environmental impacts, and any proposed environmental mitigation measures.